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West Virginia Office of
Emergency Medical Services

350 Capitol Street
Room 425
Charleston, WV 25301

Toll Free: 1-888--747-8367
OEMS Phone: (304) 558-3956
OEMS Fax: (304) 558-8379
Trauma Phone: (304) 290-9307
Trauma Fax: (304) 558-8379

The Medical Command System

The Medical Command System is comprised of five regional Medical Command Centers.  Four of the five centers are operated in conjunction with a regional trauma hospital.  The fifth is operated by the Office of Emergency Medical Services in its Flatwoods WV facility, and is known as the Medical Coordination Center. The five centers are as follows:

  1. Beckley Regional Command, operating out of Raleigh General Hospital
  2. WVU Medical Command, operating out of West Virginia University Hospital
  3. Charleston Med-Base, operating out of CAMC General Division
  4. Huntington Medical Command, operating out of Cabell Huntington Hospital
  5. Medical Coordination Center, operating out of the Flatwoods facility in Sutton.

Each center is staffed 24/7 by paramedics with years of clinical experience, and provides Medical Direction to field providers.

All EMS units transporting patients to an emergency department contacts its respective Medical Command Center and provides a patient report. This report is relayed to the receiving facility's Emergency Department.

The medical direction can take many forms.  Some of them are as follows:

  • Answering simple questions from field providers
  • Ordering medications or procedures for patients
  • Coordinating Aero Medical Evacuation
  • Routing STEMI, CVA and Trauma patients to the appropriate facilities
  • Collecting Data
  • Insuring adherence to WVOEMS protocols
  • Completing documentation regarding patient care for quality improvement processes.


Medical Coordination Center also maintains the "One-call lines" for the perinatal partnership arranging transfers of neonates and or mothers in need of a tertiary care center.

Additionally, the Medical Coordination Center provides continuous monitoring of the state's radio system. In the event a problem occurs within the system, a radio technician responsible for the particular area is dispatched.

The regional Medical Commands are a great asset to the EMS system in West Virginia.

View the map to find the nearest medical command (MEDCOM) center.

See Also

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