2017 NEURO AND STROKE SYMPOSIUM September 29, 2017 St. Mary's Conference Center
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Posted: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 7:47 AM
September 29, 2017
St. Mary's Conference Center
Management of stroke and neurological disease and injury requires an organized approach across multiple specialties and services. The purpose of this conference is to provide a venue for multidisciplinary collaboration and sharing of information with the goal of improving care for these patients.
Conference Objectives:
The participant will be able to:
- Describe challenges faced in providing the latest stroke evidence-based practice for optimal outcomes across the continuum of care
- Discuss the past, present, and future of advancements in neurosurgery and its impact on providing optimal care.
- Identify the role of the advanced practice nurse in the transitions of care for the neuroscience patient
- Name at least one impediment in caring for the patient presenting with balance disorders
- Explain the intricacies involved in providing rehabilitation for the acute stroke patient
Target Audience:
Nurses, therapists, allied health professionals
Contact Hours:
This continuing education activity has been approved by St. Mary's Medical Center, an accredited approver by the American Nurse Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation for 7 contact hours.
Physical Therapists:
Continuing education credits pending approval from WV Board of Physical Therapy. Approval of this course does not necessarily imply that the WV Board of Physical Therapy supports the views of the presenter or sponsor
The St. Mary's Conference Center is located at 2849 Fifth Avenue in Huntington, W.Va. on St. Mary's Fifth Avenue Campus. From 1-64, take exit 15 onto Route 60 West. Turn left onto 8th Avenue. At the first light, turn right onto 29th Street. The Center for Education will be on the left at the bottom of the hill.The Conference Center is located on the far side of the Center for Education building.
Registration fee: $50
SMMC employees and students: $25
Registration fee includes continental breakfast, syllabus, and lunch.
After Sept. 22, 2017, only on-site registration will be available.