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West Virginia Office of
Emergency Medical Services

350 Capitol Street
Room 425
Charleston, WV 25301

Toll Free: 1-888--747-8367
OEMS Phone: (304) 558-3956
OEMS Fax: (304) 558-8379
Trauma Phone: (304) 290-9307
Trauma Fax: (304) 558-8379

Low Angle Rope Rescue Training

Introduction to Low Angle Rope Rescue in the Wilderness Medicine Environment

While the information contained in this news article was current and accurate when we posted it, it may not necessarily represent current WVOEMS policy or procedure. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 304-558-3956.

Posted: Friday, June 29, 2012 2:40 PM

ropes.pngWV Office of EMS and WV EMS for Children program are sponsering a Introduction to Low Angle Rope Rescue at Shavers Fork Fire Rescue, locatedin Snowshoe, WV on July 24-25, 2012.

This course is designed to introduce the Wilderness Rescuer to the BASIC concepts of low-angle or steep-scree rope work that might be needed to move an injured person to a safer environment.

Students will learn basic knots, litter packaging, simple hauling systems and other tactics to move out of steep terrain.

Much of the class work is conducted outside-so come prepared for any weather.


To register or for more information contact:  SFFR Chief Deron Wilkes at 304-572-3473 or email at

This class is sponsored by the WV Office of Emergency Medical Services and the WV EMS for Children Program.  There is no cost to the participant for this class.

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