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Room 425
Charleston, WV 25301

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2014 combined Disaster Summit and Public Health and Medical Preparedness Conference

While the information contained in this news article was current and accurate when we posted it, it may not necessarily represent current WVOEMS policy or procedure. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 304-558-3956.

Posted: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 4:34 PM


"C"ing the Whole Response: Community, Collaboration, and Communication
May 21-22, 2014
West Virginia State University
Institute, WV
We are faced with two realities: 1) decreasing funding for preparedness and 2) disasters that test our capabilities and provide new and unforeseen challenges for response and recovery. The purpose of the 2014 combined Disaster Summit and Public Health and Medical Preparedness Conference "C"ing the Whole Response: Community, Collaboration, and Communication is to bring together preparedness staff and volunteers from all levels of government, faith-based, non-profit and private sector organizations to discuss and train for coordinated response and recovery operations to protect our communities and increase our resilience.

The 2014 combined Disaster Summit and Public Health and Medical Preparedness Conference will be held at West Virginia State University in Institute, WV From May 21 - May 24 2014. The theme is "C"ing the Whole Response: Community, Collaboration, and Communication.

We are faced with two realities: 1) decreasing funding for preparedness and 2) disasters that test our capabilities and provide new and unforeseen challenges for response and recovery. The purpose of the 2014 combined Disaster Summit and Public Health and Medical Preparedness Conference "C"ing the Whole Response: Community, Collaboration, and Communication is to bring together preparedness staff and volunteers from all levels of government, faith-based, non-profit and private sector organizations to discuss and train for coordinated response and recovery operations to protect our communities and increase our resilience.

For more information, please see attached document.


File attachment

2014 conference-summit overview.pdf

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