News archive: Sep

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fire Prevention Week

The State Fire Marshal’s Office is teaming up with NFPA during the October 7-13, 2012, to let West Virginians know: “It’s Fire Prevention Week. Have 2 Ways Out!” This year’s campaign focuses on home escape plans, including knowing two ways out.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Gail Dragoo, Program Director for WV EMS TSN Regions VI and VII, announced that the last ALS Recertification exam of 2012 will be held at Pierpont Community and Technical College on October 27, 2012 at 9:00 AM.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

EMS Conference Brochure Released

WV Office of Emergency Medical Services and the WV Emergency Medical Services Technical Support Network (EMS-TSN) are proud to release the 35th Annual EMS Conference Brochure. The conference will be held from November 1 to November 3 2012 at Glade Springs Resort, in Daniels WV.

Marshall County Fire School

West Virginia University Extension Service and the Marshall County Firefighter's Association is proud to announce the Marshall County Fire School. The Fire School will be held on October 6 and 7, 2012 at John Marshall High School.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The 2012 WV Drug Endangered Children Conference is a one and a half day event providing pertinent information and training for professionals in West Virginia’s Drug Endangered Children program. Included in the conference will be updates on new developments in law enforcement, prosecution, child protection, substance abuse, research, medical treatment and environ-mental health.