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West Virginia Office of
Emergency Medical Services

350 Capitol Street
Room 425
Charleston, WV 25301

Toll Free: 1-888--747-8367
OEMS Phone: (304) 558-3956
OEMS Fax: (304) 558-8379
Trauma Phone: (304) 290-9307
Trauma Fax: (304) 558-8379

2011 WV Trauma Symposium/STAR

While the information contained in this news article was current and accurate when we posted it, it may not necessarily represent current WVOEMS policy or procedure. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 304-558-3956.

Posted: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:03 AM

2011 West Virginia Trauma Symposium

This event will be held Febrary 16-18.

We would like to invite you to the 2011 West Virginia Trauma Symposium to be held at the Stonewall Resort, Roanoke, WV. This conference is designed for trauma surgeons, general surgeons, emergency room physicians, nurses, mid level providers and prehospital health care, coding specialists and health information professionals. A registrar workshop will be presented as a separate meeting during the closing day of the conference. All registrars working in the trauma arena are encouraged to attend. This conference will represent a collaborative effort between experts in various trauma disciplines from around West Virginia. An eight-hour Trauma Nursing Workshop will be held on the opening day of the conference featuring topics on surgical trauma and complications. The speakers will present progressive and challenging issues in the field of trauma care. The State Trauma Audit Review/ State Trauma Audit Committee meetings will begin Friday afternoon Feb. 18 and conclude on Saturday, Feb.19. All conference attendees are invited to attend.

See attachment for details.

2011 State Trauma Audit Review

This event will be held February 18-19.

This program is designed for trauma and general surgeons, sub-specialists, nurses, and other allied health professionals involved in the care of trauma patients.

Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:

  1. Discuss the multidisciplinary management of specific trauma cases selected by performance improvement audit filters.
  2. Identify interventions, treatment modalities and alternative modalities for selected mechanisms of injury to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with traumatic injury.
  3. Increase the understanding of statistical data review application.


File attachment


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