Administration of flu vaccines
While the information contained in this news article was current and accurate when we posted it, it may not necessarily represent current WVOEMS policy or procedure. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 304-558-3956.
Posted: Monday, October 26, 2009 12:17 PM
As you are probably aware, there is considerable concern throughout the public health community about the potential for community-wide effects of influenza-like illnesses during the coming months - from both the normal seasonal flu and the novel H1N1 flu. As a result of this concern, considerable planning for vaccine administration has occurred among the Bureau for Public Health, the local health departments, and other community partners. Among these plans is the conduction of mass vaccination clinics throughout the community.
During these planning efforts, the question of the utilization of ALS EMS providers in the vaccination administration role has arisen. Some of you have already heard from your local health departments asking you about the possibility of your agency supporting these efforts. Dr. William Ramsey, the State EMS Medical Director and Dr. Cathy Slemp, the State Health Officer have evaluated this request. Based on the current situation, the following guidelines should be utilized if ALS EMS personnel are utilized to assist in these vaccination efforts:
- ALS EMS personnel may provide assistance to their local health departments in the administration of vaccine ONLY if the provider's licensed EMS agency is specifically requested by the local health department to provide assistance in this effort. Local health departments are the primary coordinators of the community vaccination efforts. Any EMS involvement must be at the request, and under the guidance, of the local health department. This coordination is mandatory.
- The EMS Agency Administrator and Medical Director must provide written approval for the agency participation in this effort.
- Participating EMS providers must be appropriately trained in the administration process, indications, contraindications, and potential adverse reactions. This training must be documented and reported through the normal CE reporting process.
- EMS providers are not authorized to participate in these efforts independent of their licensed EMS agencies.
The utilization of EMS resources in these efforts may be vital to the success of the program in many communities. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Deron Wilkes, Chief of Operations.
See attached for the official memorandum.