NHTSA to Improve Pediatric Ground Transport
While the information contained in this news article was current and accurate when we posted it, it may not necessarily represent current WVOEMS policy or procedure. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 304-558-3956.
Posted: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 8:22 AM
"NHTSA is pleased to announce the initiation of its "Solutions for Safely Transporting Children in Emergency Vehicles" project, a partnership between the NHTSA Occupant Protection Division and NHTSA's Office of Emergency Medical Services.
The primary objective of this two-year project is to develop a set of recommendations for the EMS community to use to safely and appropriately transport children in a ground ambulance from the scene of a crash or other emergency incident. Components include a comprehensive literature review, the development of draft recommendations, and the convening of a National Meeting to discuss and finalize the recommendations.
Maryn Consulting, Inc. has been contracted by NHTSA to complete this project; Maryn staff will work with NHTSA and national experts in the field to perform this work.
An initial stage of this project is the literature review, which
will examine existing written resources regarding this issue.
Potential resources to be reviewed include peer-reviewed journal
web-based publications, papers presented at national meetings and
training curricula. If you are aware of any particular
resources or references that are relevant to this topic, please
forward them to Laura Caldwell-Aden of Maryn Consulting at laura
AT mci-it.com by November 21,
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Alexander (Sandy) Sinclair of the NHTSA Occupant Protection Division at sandy DOT sinclair AT dot.gov or Dave Bryson, of the NHTSA Office of Emergency Medical Services at dave DOT bryson AT dot.gov. [Replace DOT and AT with their keyboard signs, respectively.]"